Thursday, October 16, 2008

Watch the CD launch at Les Saints

The CD launch was a success, a lot of people showed up. I'm sorry for those who wanted to get the album at the venue, I still don't know why we couldnt sell it... Anyway, it is on sale everywhere I guess. If you missed the performance that night, you can see several pictures here, here and here... You can also watch and hear the five songs that we performed here. The first concert is officially booked. It will be on the 21 of november at Le Telephone Rouge in Sherbrooke supporting Plants & Animals. I can't wait!
Until then,

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

The Birth Of The Sea Animals

Hi folks, 
After years of work, the first album of "The Sound Of Sea Animals" will be out in stores on September 30th... Two days later, five songs will be performed by The Sea Animals during the Montreal Pop Festival at The Saints (corner Ste-Cath & St-Laurent)... I couldn't be more formal for this first "blog"; but it's appropriate considering that it concerns the birth of something... well let's say that this is an invitation to a birthday. The band will be Nicotine (guitar), Yann Godbout (bass), Alex Brassard (drums), Emilie Bernard (keys), Pascal Shefteshy (guitar & mellotron) & myself on guitar.  You can hear the first single here.